Microsoft recently submitted a security report deals with the security features of different operating systems, which included systems XP and Vista and Windows 7.
The study (consisting of 90 pages) infection rates of their different over the past year 2010, where he was the criterion used is the incidence of applications malignant per thousand sets, and the results showed that the system of Windows XP (SP 3 32 bit) was the highest
infection rates, which 15.9 per thousand, a rate which dropped to a half ago with Windows Vista (SP2 32 bit) and reached 7.5 per thousand, while the managed system (64 bit) Windows 7 to record the lowest and the rate of 2.5 per thousand.
The Microsoft explained in the study that Windows systems are compatible with the architecture 64 bit safer in general than their counterparts working Bmmarip 32 bit, has been attributed to two reasons; first is that users of these type of systems are the most experience and awareness of security risks, and the second is in a property protection Updates "Alkernal"Kernel Patch Protection, you are preventing a lot of unauthorized modifications, which hampers the work of any malicious applications.
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